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TRIPLOIDITE    Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
6 x 6 x 3 cm specimen with pink-red zones of glassy triploidite.

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TRIPLOIDITE    Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
6 x 6 x 3 cm specimen with pink-red zones of glassy triploidite.
Species:           TRIPLOIDITE  
Locality:          Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
Specimen Size: 6 x 6 x 3 cm specimen with pink-red zones of glassy triploidite. Two views.
Field Collected: Unknown
Catalog No.: 1961
Notes: Ray Meyers purchased this specimen as "Hureaulite." A XRD analysis confirmed this mineral is triploidite with excellent correlation. A XRF analysis confirmed a Mn > Fe phosphate species. Triploidite has not previously been reported from the Turner Mine. A label stuck to the specimen bottom indicates a 2003 collecting date.
In May, 2024, George Adleman acquired Raman plots of a sample from this specimen. These Raman plots gave an excellent match for triploidite. George stated the "#1961 Raman plots ... are as good of a match as I have ever seen ! All 12 peaks match within a wave number !"
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TRIPLOIDITE ?    Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
3.1 x 2.2 cm specimen

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TRIPLOIDITE ?   Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
3.1 x 2.2 cm specimen
Species:           TRIPLOIDITE ? (or Hureaulite)  
Locality:          Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
Specimen Size: 3.1 x 2.2 cm specimen, two views.
Field Collected: A Friend - 2004 (#8725)
Catalog No.: 2100
Notes: The initial visual identification of this mineral was hureaulite. The 2015 XRD analysis of the pink-red specimen # 1961, above, suggested this might also be triploidite.
Through the effort of Ray Meyers, this specimen was acquired for my NH collection. This provided an opportunity for me to do a polished grain EDS analysis , BC307.
The chemistry imputed from this analysis is: Mn5.75P4.0O8.2 , normalized for 4 P.
This approximate 5:4 Mn:P ratio close to that of hureaulite, Mn2+5(PO3OH)2(PO4)2·4H2O . This prismatic crystal form is unlike that of hureaulite.
George Adleman attempted a Raman analysis on a tiny grain from this # 2100 specimen. The results were inconclusive. (Grain plots are black, RUFF reference plots are in colors)
For reference, triploidite chemistry is: (Mn2+,Fe2+)2(PO4)(OH) .
The matrix is thought to be lithiophilite.
A Raman spectrum of the matrix by George Adleman had about equal match for lithiophilite and triphylite, but as seen as the references on this plot, these two Raman spectra are essentially the same.

Matt Butler examined a grain from this specimen with his polar scope and observed these interference figures. Matt commented: "I got a few good interference figures from multiple grains that match the expected biaxial figure of triploidite. The single axis line through the circular optic axis proves its biaxial, if it had two crossed lines it would prove uniaxial. Also the change to the blue color in the upper left of the divided optic axis circle in the 2nd photo when the red analyzer filter is added proves it matches biaxial negative. Of course none of this proves it's actually triploidite, but at least the optic properties match."
A triploidite Raman reference plot is NOT available in the RUFF data base as of May 2024.
The comparative Raman analyses (see #1961 plots above) by George Adleman comparing this Turner #2100 with the Turner #1961 (that has a confirming PXRD analysis) above gave an excellent match. George stated "I just finished plotting the #2100 and #1961 Raman plots and it is as good of a match as I have ever seen ! All 12 peaks match within a wave number !"
This is sufficiently convincing that this Turner hot-pink crystal is triploidite.
George also did a Raman analysis on my #2031 Lord Hill, Stoneham, Maine, triplite specimen, (collected by Gene Bearss). Triplite is the fluorine containing cousin of triploidite. Triplite does have a RUFF reference plot and George's Raman plot for the Lord Hill triplite was a very good match with the RUFF reference.
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TRIPLOIDITE    Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
6.6 x 4.2 cm specimen
Species:           TRIPLOIDITE ?  
Locality:          Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
Specimen Size: 6.6 x 4.2 cm specimen
Field Collected: A Friend
Catalog No.:
Notes: See ID notes for #2100, above.
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TRIPLOIDITE    Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
Two 3.4 cm samples with massive, embedded, triploidite
Species:           TRIPLOIDITE ?  
Locality:          Turner Mine, Marlow, NH
Specimen Size: Two 3.4 cm samples with massive, embedded, triploidite
Field Collected: A Friend
Catalog No.:
Notes: See ID notes for #2100, above.